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Bedford Park Apartments for Rent - New York, NY

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5 Results
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19 Minerva Place
Bedford Park, West Bronx, Bronx
By Manager, 11 hours ago
3 Bed
1 Bath
square feet
850 Sqft
Check Availability
235 E 203rd Street
Bedford Park, West Bronx, Bronx
By Manager, 12 hours ago
1 Bath
square feet
450 Sqft
Check Availability
207 E 205th Street, Apt 1
Bedford Park, West Bronx, Bronx
By Manager, 18 hours ago
3 Bed
2 Bath
square feet
1,000 Sqft
Check Availability
E Mosholu Parkway S
Bedford Park, West Bronx, Bronx
By Alex Cedeno, 14 hours ago
1 Bed
1 Bath
Check Availability
3000 Valentine Avenue, Apt 3C
Bedford Park, West Bronx, Bronx
By Magdalena Ferenc, 13 hours ago
2 Bed
1 Bath
Check Availability
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Apartments for Rent in Bedford Park, New York, NY

Apartments for Rent in Bedford Park, New York, NY

For those interested, Bedford Park currently has 5 residential listings advertised on the market for rent. Listings for rent in this area typically have an median of 850 square feet. From data that we've compiled, listings range from $2,440 in the lower quartile to $3,643 in the upper quartile. Generally speaking, the median rental price is around $2,900 or $4.29 / sqft. For those interested in renting a listing in Bedford Park, there are currently 1 studio, 1 one-bedroom, 1 two-bedroom, 2 three-bedroom, and 0 four+ bedroom apartments available for rent.
For your convenience, we've included a more detailed breakdown of rental pricing by median bedroom sizes here:
Bedrooms Rent Rent / sqft
3 BR $3,707 $4.03

We make sure to refresh our rental listings every hour in order to provide you with the newest and most up-to-date inventory available on the market.

Bedford Park is located within 10458. This area currently has 81,698 residents in 27,000 households. Out of the total population, 40.12% of the residents speak another language at home instead of English. The majority of the inhabitants in this zipcode are currently unmarried and have a median age of 29.

When looking at residents older than 25, around 29.35% have graduated from high school, 9.85% have a bachelor's degree, and 4.08% have obtained their master's degree or above. Employment rate is typically around 53% and the median income in this zipcode is $30,339.

At least 95.62% of those living in this zipcode are renting their homes. Most residents will commute to work by public transportation with an average commute time of 41 minutes.

Geographically, 10458 is a part of Bronx County, New York. This county is currently home to 1,436,785 residents, or 490,740 households with a median income of $35,302. Bronx County, New York residents have a median age of 33 and 80.93% are currently renting their homes in the area.

Finally, Bronx County, New York is a part of the greater New York - Newark, NY - NJ - CT Urban Area. For those unfamiliar with the area, The New York - Newark, NY - NJ - CT Urban Area is currently home to a population 18,812,161 across 6,707,347 households. Those living in this urban area have a median income of $68,319 and median age of 38. In general, at least 50.07% of the residents are currently renting their homes in this area.

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