Calm and diverse, Bensonhurst is a peaceful residential neighborhood surrounded by Midwood, Borough Park, and Bay Ridge. Full of fun, shopping, and eateries, this neighborhood is home to both a Little Italy and the city's largest cantonese population.
Originally the estate of Egbert Benson, Bensonhurst began its life as private farmland. Once Benson died, his children sold the estate to New York real estate developers. These developers sold plots of land near the waterfront to the wealthy elite of NYC around the 1880's.
Though the waterfront properties were highly sought after, the rest of the neighborhood remained largely undeveloped. There were small Jewish and Italian neighborhoods, but even then, the neighborhood was largely empty until the 1980's.
Recognizing that many immigrants, especially those from China and Hong Kong, were seeking affordable housing, the rest of the neighborhood developed just in time for the whole of NYC to go…
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