Wonderful Apartments, Wonderful Life – Chicago | 5.3.2017

5BR at 1509-1517 E. 57th StreetThis property stands in a convenient location close to Jackson Park, Lake Shore Drive and public transportation
into the city. It features a renovated laundry center and ample bike storage space.

Studio at 5307 South Hyde Park BoulevardThis amazing studio in Hyde Park features doorman, elevator, rooftop deck, gym and walk-in closets.
Laundry facility is included in the unit! Definitely the deal of the week 🙂

2BR at 5200 South BlackstoneLast but certainly not least, this property was originally one of Hyde Park’s most elegant hotels in the 20s.
Restored and updated with modern amenities, it now features a 24-hour fitness center and breathtaking lobby.

Shane Lee
Shane Lee
Shane Lee is a Statistical Data Analyst for RentHop.

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