Tips That Will Take Your Bathroom to the Next Level


For a lot of people, a bathroom is just a place to do your business and leave. However, others see it for its true potential. Your bathroom doesn’t need to be a throwaway room in your house. With a little bit of elbow grease and some creativity, your bathroom can be taken to the next level. With that in mind, read on to see some tips about how to improve your bathroom.

1. Decorate it!

This may seem obvious to some, but you simply wouldn’t believe how many people do absolutely nothing in the design department for their bathroom. While you don’t have to transform it into an art gallery, a little can go a long way when it comes to decorating a bathroom. A painting or piece of art here, a plant there. These kinds of things can transform a boring and dull room into one with some character and visual appeal. However, make sure not to add too many decorations as that can lead the room to be too “busy” and feel quite cluttered.

2. Use your storage wisely

Most of us have a fair amount of “stuff” in our bathrooms. Towels, toilet paper, toiletries, makeup, etc often need to be kept within arm’s reach in a bathroom. With so many things co-existing in a small room, things can tend to get very messy and cluttered. We all have that friend or family member that has things sloppily strewn all over, which isn’t a great look. Instead, you should make sure to put things back away on their respective shelves or in their respective drawers to keep the room looking well put-together. If for some reason your bathroom is lacking storage options, do your best to keep things organized and out of the way on your vanity table. Or, if you have the means or the space, look to invest in some extra storage.

3. Don’t forget about the lights

Lighting does more than just help you see in the dark. The type and style of lighting you choose in a room can make all the difference. This goes double for the bathroom as it is often the room where most people get ready in, so being able to see what you look like is always a plus. Instead of opting for the standard ceiling lights, which can be intense and un-customizable, it could be a good idea to go with some form of wall lights. These are often more practical, while also being flattering to your face. Your selfies and mirror will thank you. Also, it is a good idea to have a dimmer in your bathroom as well, so you can adjust the lighting for whatever you’re doing. You can have that romantic, dimly lit bath with wine that you’ve always dreamed of, while also being able to crank up the light to read the label of that shampoo you accidentally swallowed to make sure it won’t kill you. Only you know what kind of lighting you prefer, but it can definitely help take your bathroom to the next level.

4. Control the smell

There is no way around it, bathrooms often smell pretty crappy (pun most definitely intended). While this is expected, that doesn’t mean it isn’t nasty, but thankfully, there are things that can be done to limit or control the smell in some fashion. Whether you decide to keep some scented room spray handy, keep a window open, or light a match, everyone else who has to use the bathroom will thank you. Also, a nice courtesy flush has never hurt anyone. Using these tips (or another well-known trick), will transform your bathroom into a stink-free zone and will stop any potentially embarrassing moments.

5. Invest in quality

Unless you are very strange, most of us all use our bathrooms a number of times per day. Whether we are getting ready to go out, using the toilet, cleaning our dirty bodies or any number of other things, we spend a lot of time in the bathroom. With these being used a lot, there is a good chance you would prefer to not have everything break all the time. Because of this, you should look to invest in quality. This means a good quality bathtub or shower, a quality toilet, a slick vanity and some nice flooring. Sure, this may cost you a little bit more up-front, but will save you a ton of stress later on and will definitely take your bathroom to the next level. Also, taking care of everything in your bathroom and using it like you should will also help the bathroom from breaking down and leading to expensive and unnecessary repairs.

6. Keep it clean (actually clean)

Despite the bathroom often being the smallest room in our homes, it somehow manages to get the filthiest of any room in the house. Because of this, it is great to clean your bathroom regularly. Now, this doesn’t mean just washing the mirror and cleaning the sink or tub out every little while. This means cleaning every inch of your bathroom at least once a month (or more if you so choose). The moisture and siting water can be terrible for bathrooms and can quickly degrade the structure of the room. Also, no one likes looking at filthy shower tiles, a disgusting toilet, or a counter full of gunk.

Faye Chou
Faye Chou
Faye is the Managing Director of the RentHop Operations team. In her 10 years at RentHop, Faye has written numerous articles on a variety of real estate topics. If you're interested in learning more about the current state of the rental housing market or want Faye's best tips for your apartment search then check out more of her articles.

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