Things to Look (and Look Out) for When Renting in the Winter

We are currently living through the dead of winter, and much of the country is struggling to stay warm and cozy inside. However, staying cozy inside is a little hard if you are looking for a new apartment. While the last thing many people want to do in the winter is pack up all of your things and leave, there may be some reasons why it could be worth your while. There are numerous things to watch out for when renting during the winter, including advantages of disadvantages. 


1. The Weather Affects the Physical Move

People hardly want to go outside during the winter, let alone move all of their belongings to a new apartment. The big reason for this is the frigid temperature and the snowy weather.

Not only is it cold outside, but the ice and snow can make it very slippery. The probability of falling or dropping something due to slipping is infinitely higher in the winter than it is in the summer. So transporting a lot of large and heavy items in the winter months can take a lot more love and care to ensure nothing breaks. However, if you’re located somewhere where winter doesn’t necessarily mean freezing cold weather, you probably won’t have this problem.

2. Less Competition for Apartments

However, because of this large-scale disinterest when it comes to people moving in the winter, it means there is a good chance there will be less competition from other potential rentals in the winter. This means you have a better shot at getting the apartment of your dreams.

However, this comes with a bit of a caveat. Because not many people really like to move in the winter, that means there is a high chance there will be less rental properties available in the winter. Low demand always equals less inventory, so there is a chance the selection might not be outstanding in the winter as most people in great places aren’t jumping at the opportunity to leave in the dead of winter.

3. Cheaper Rent in the Winter

Because of the various factors mentioned so far in this article, landlords can often have trouble filling vacant apartments during the colder winter months. If there aren’t that many people looking to rent in the winter, that means there are bound to be some apartments or rentals that don’t get filled. In order to combat this and to make sure their rentals get tenants, many landlords will lower the price of their rental to try and entice potential tenants.

This can come in many forms. Some companies will just full on lower the monthly price, whereas others will add a free month or two to sweeten the deal. We have even seen some landlords and companies offer tenants a “don’t pay for X months” sort of deal. So if you are in the market for a new apartment right now, you just hit the jackpot, as there is a good chance you will find a pretty special deal. Even if you like a place and they haven’t advertised a deal, there is a chance they might be willing to wiggle if you haggle on the price a little bit.

4. Is the Apartment Winter Ready?

So while the winter time can be a great time to rent due to the decrease in competition and the often-lower prices, it isn’t all good news all the time. Unfortunately, not every apartment or building is ready for the cold conditions, and this can leave you in a bit of a pinch.

You want to make sure to test the heating in every apartment that you view, and also want to make sure that there is no draft coming in through the windows or anything like that. What good is having an apartment in the winter if it doesn’t stay warm? They should also be well insulated and such as well.


In conclusion, while renting a new place in the winter might not seem like the best idea, the more you investigate it, the better it begins to look. It is often cheaper and you will have far less competition than if you tried to rent a place in the spring or summer months. While sure, there are some things to watch out for, but as long as those bases are covered, winter can be a solid time to get a good deal on your next rental, without having to worry about a lot of competition. So remember, you hold the bargaining chips during rent negotiations in the winter, it could potentially help save you a lot of money over the coming months. View our study on the best time of year to rent here for more information. 

Editor’s Note: We updated this article to enhance readability. 

Faye Chou
Faye Chou
Faye is the Managing Director of the RentHop Operations team. In her 10 years at RentHop, Faye has written numerous articles on a variety of real estate topics. If you're interested in learning more about the current state of the rental housing market or want Faye's best tips for your apartment search then check out more of her articles.

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