I’m happy to announce our newly released map-based apartment search! Location-based searching for apartments has been a personal favorite feature of mine from the very beginning of RentHop’s days. We have always believed that Craigslist listings simply lack enough structured data for useful and rich mechanisms. While Craigslist’s loose-form posting makes life slightly simpler for the landlord, it also opens the door for the deluge of fake and obfuscated listings we see today.
Even though RentHop has begun allowing small landlords to post their listings, we have removed all the usual incentives for unscrupulous posts: any listing without a real address will not show properly on the search. We also sort listings based on the completeness of data, which includes analyzing photos, amenities enumerated, and full contact information. Most importantly, no one visiting RentHop plans to pay a broker fee!
For listing on our map, we only show the buildings that contain geo-encodable addresses. Posting containing vague locations such as “Studio in the West 50s” won’t show up properly in search results. Additionally, we revamped the entire original map-search to include much faster search logic, a more intuitive navigation interface, and compatibility with more browsers.
New York Map Search
New York City renters can now use the New York map to quickly find their next apartment. This is especially helpful for renters who are not as familiar with the names of neighborhoods, but have a general sense of the region they want to move to. With map-based search, renters can look around the map and understand where each listing resides, without having to pull up a map separately.
2024 Update: RentHop no longer shows a default map-based search in the search results for New York City. Renters can search in map-mode nationwide.
Feel free to give map-based apartment search a try!
Editor’s Note: We updated this article to enhance readability.