RentHop’s Apartment Wishlist: 6 Apartment Essentials Right Now


Every week there’s certain things we would love to have displayed in our apartments. Somethings might be way out of our price range but one can dream right? If we can’t purchase it, we can still get inspired by it. And then there’s things we totally can afford, and we love it. This week our focus is on these 6 apartment essentials!

1.  Pottery Barn Classic Floor Mirror

Having a big mirror in your apartment is a must. Not only is it convenient for ensuring that your outfit is on point before running out the door in the mornings but it is also a statement piece. It just looks good. And we just love this big floor mirror from Pottery Barn in the color espresso. You can also get it in white if that goes better with your apartment. Price tag: $349

2. Art Addiction Inc. Marble Moons Wall Art – 100% Exclusive at Bloomingdale’s

One word. Stunning. We’re just head over heels for this piece. It is so simple but the marble details alongside the design and the colors makes it the exact wall art we need on our living room walls right now. Get it at Bloomingdale’s! Price tag: $898

3. CATALINA LIGHTING Ezra Antique Pewter Floor Lamp from Belk

It is modern, we love the colors, and it is on sale at the moment. Another plus, a floor lamp looks good with a floor mirror! Price tag: $450.

4. Windham Horizontal Bookcase  at Target

Just love, love, love this one. These bookcases are perfect if you’re a hoarder of books like most of us are. Target has this bookcase in various colors for those who are not in love with the gray color.  Price tag: 149.99

5. LSA Flower Sprig Vase at Houseology

Spring is here and so are flowers. And we need more vases for them. This simple and super cheap vase would go with pretty much anything. So it doesn’t matter how any of the rooms in your apartment are decorated. This vase will fit into every room. Price Tag: $13

6. GUGU Clock in Black design by Lemnos at Burke Decor

We like our watches to remain simple so that we can change up other major things instead. And this GUGU clock in black design by Lemnos, sold at Burke Decor is exactly what we want for our living room at the moment. Price tag: $150

Faye Chou
Faye Chou
Faye is the Managing Director of the RentHop Operations team. In her 10 years at RentHop, Faye has written numerous articles on a variety of real estate topics. If you're interested in learning more about the current state of the rental housing market or want Faye's best tips for your apartment search then check out more of her articles.

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