
Post Your No-Fee Manhattan Apartment

After months of catering mostly to apartment hunters and large property management landlords, RentHop has now launched a special program for smaller-scale landlords to post a no-fee Manhattan apartment.  Visitors to our site will now be able to tap...

Schedule Apartment Viewings with

RentHop already provides a comprehensive repository of Manhattan rental listings, complete with the phone number, building address, and website for many hundreds of units.  Our visitors are welcome to use this information to contact the landlords and schedule viewings...

No-Fee Apartments Rentals NYC!

Entrepreneurs know that the key to most great innovation isn't an incremental improvement on the status quo, or a slightly more efficient and optimized implementation of an old spec. As Christensen writes in the infamous Innovators' Dilemma, the real...

Welcome New York Times Readers

We are thrilled that so many new visitors have found us through the recent New York Times article.  In fact, for most of the weekend, we were the second most popular piece of news in the entire real estate...

More Manhattan Apartments Becoming “No Fee”

Rent Hop receives very frequent, often daily, updates on the latest apartment availabilities and prices from our landlords.  We've noticed an increase of what many lay-renters  call "No Fee" apartments, even by landlords who would usually charge a fee. What...

New Building Photos

Editor’s note: RentHop first released building photos in October 2008. Since then, the platform has updated tangentially with the latest technology to provide renters with the best apartment-searching experience. RentHop is pleased to announce our new Building Photos feature! ...