How will the rental market in 2013 impact landlords and renters? We've gathered our expert opinions and predictions for the upcoming year.
Photo via Josh Gutmaker
Financial Crisis to Today
Ever since the financial crisis and recession began over four years ago,...
Bloomberg Businessweek reports today Manhattan Apartments Lure Investors Seeking Market Foothold. Down in the rental trenches, we've seen a lot of building transactions as the 2008 financial crisis dislocated REIT balance sheets across the country. One notable includes Longacre...
July to August 2009 has been the busy summer 2009, full of exciting deals for the Manhattan rental market! The amount of transaction volume has been miraculously high. Landlords everywhere are swamped with renters finally biting at some of...
The New York City Rent Guidelines Board establishes rent adjustments for the rent-stabilized apartments across New York City. The board updates and adjusts the terms for renewal leases, which directly impacts the cost of rent for tenants in the...
In today's piece, we take a break from the usual rant about no fee Manhattan rentals lists and focus on the sales market.
The Nasty Closing Cost: Flip Tax
After reading Teri Rogers's article in the New York Times, The Downside...
How will a recession and financial "Armageddon," in New York City affect the rental market? Well, let me say straight up that rental prices are down significantly year-over-year, with November rents for doorman and non-doorman prices down around 2.5...