The Stories Behind the Names of NYC’s Streets

Among NYC’s streets and avenues, Lexington Ave, Canal Street, and Broadway, and a handful of roadways still bear more traditional titles. These street names make reference to historic individuals, landmarks, and events that helped to shape the city in its early days, even as centuries and layers of pavement have obscured New York’s original topography. While many of these streets have taken on new connotations—Wall Street, for example, has more or less become a metonym for the city’s financial industry—their origins provide a fascinating insight into what life in New York used to be like.

NYC’s Street Name History

It’s time to get the scoop on some of NYC’s streets. 

Wall Street

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Financial District’s best-known thoroughfare takes its name from an actual wall that used to mark the northern border of the city back when it was still the Dutch settlement of New Amsterdam. Standing approximately twelve feet tall, settlers erected the wall in 1653 to repel attacks or invasions from pirates, the English, and displaced Native Americans. New Amsterdam became the English colony of New York in 1664, and tore down the wall in 1699 to accommodate expanding city limits. The street’s name, however, persisted.

The Bowery

No “street” or “avenue” designation is necessary— The Bowery is an entity beyond such titles. Prior to its renaming in 1813, however, locals called the street “Bowery Lane.”  Centuries prior, the the Dutch East India Company christened the road “Bouwerij,” the Dutch word for “farm.” It was a reference to the farmland that dominated the area when they set up shop in Manhattan in the 1620s. The current name is an anglicization of the original Dutch and is yet another relic of the city’s turnover to English hands.

Park Avenue

When examining a street map of the city, a puzzled observer might notice that there is no 4th Avenue between 3rd and 5th Ave. That’s because most of the street that formerly bore this name was rechristened Park Avenue in the 1850s—through a six-block stretch of the boulevard running from NoHo to Union Square is still known as 4th Ave. In spite of its proximity to Central Park, Park Ave was in fact named for a park that was built to cover the semi-subterranean New York and Harlem Railroad line after a portion of the railroad was discontinued in the mid-19th century.

Canal Street

Canal Street also gets its name from a now nonexistent landmark. A large reservoir known as Collect Pond once served as a source of freshwater for downtown Manhattan residents until tanneries began using the pond as a receptacle for their waste in the late 1700s. To help drain away the polluted water, the city dug a canal in 1808 that opened out into the Hudson River. Ultimately, could no longer stand the smell of the tainted water. Eventually, the city turned the canal into a covered sewer, then paved over it. The resulting road became Canal Street.

Houston Street

Any New Yorker worth their salt knows better than to mispronounce the name of this street as “HYOO-ston.” However, few realize that Houston is not only an eponym of Constitutional Convention delegate William Houstoun, but that the street misspelled the name of the man it is intended to honor. Houston Street was originally named by Houstoun’s father-in-law Nicholas Bayard III in 1788 while Bayard was in the process of dividing his sizable downtown estate. Some speculate that locals dropped the second “u” from “Houstoun” at some point in the last several centuries due to a mix-up with the name of Sam Houston. Sam was the famed general and senator who gave his name to Houston, Texas. 

Christopher Street

Christopher Street is synonymous with the LGBTQ rights movement and the flourishing queer nightlife of Greenwich Village. In its early days, the street was known as Skinner Road after English Colonel William Skinner, son-in-law of Greenwich Village landowner Vice-Admiral Peter Warren. When Warren’s heir Charles Christopher Amos took over the family estate in 1799, he had the brilliant idea of renaming the road after himself. Amos also very generously gave his name to nearby Charles Street and Amos Street. Locals now know the latter as 10th Street. 

Crosby Street

SoHo’s Crosby Street was named for millionaire William Bedloe Crosby, the adopted nephew of Revolutionary War hero Henry Rutgers (who himself gave his name to Rutgers University). Crosby became known for his philanthropic generosity to needy individuals and organizations across New York’s historic 7th ward during the mid-19th century, so, unlike Charles Christopher Amos, he had no need to name the street after himself—grateful community members christened it for him.

Bleecker Street

This boutique-lined street in Greenwich Village takes its name from the Bleecker family, a notable part of Manhattan’s upper crust in the 18th century. Prominent members of the Bleecker clan include Anthony Lispenard Bleecker, businessman and Trinity Church warden, and his son Anthony, a well-respected writer and historian. The family fell on hard times had to sell off parcels of their land, including the property along Bleecker Street.

Maiden Lane

It’s difficult to picture the modern Financial District as a picturesque grassland dotted with springs and streams. However, that’s exactly how it appeared back when New York was still New Amsterdam. It was the Dutch that first gave the name Maagde Paatje,” or “Maiden’s Path,” to what was then a footpath winding its way alongside a cheerful brook. The spot was a favorite place for the Dutch settler’s young daughters to wash the family laundry. It’s pleasant to imagine how the serene landscape of the area must have looked to them when traversing the now-pavemented Maiden Lane.

Barrow Street

Anyone who recalls their Revolutionary War studies (or who has recently listened to Hamilton) has doubtless heard of the essayist Thomas Paine. Paine fanned the flames of patriotic spirit with his 1776 pamphlet Common Sense. Today’s Barrow Street initially bore the name Reason Street in honor of The Age of Reason, another of Paine’s celebrated works. Paine’s reputation cooled toward the early 19th Century, in part because of his scathing public remarks toward celebrated figures such as George Washington. In retaliation, locals instead called the road  “Raisin Street.” Ultimately, the city renamed Barrow Street in 1828 to honor Thomas Barrow. He was an artist and vestryman at the nearby Trinity Church.

Editor’s Note: We updated this article to enhance readability. 

Faye Chou
Faye Chou
Faye is the Managing Director of the RentHop Operations team. In her 10 years at RentHop, Faye has written numerous articles on a variety of real estate topics. If you're interested in learning more about the current state of the rental housing market or want Faye's best tips for your apartment search then check out more of her articles.

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