How To Start Create an Indoor Garden For Your NYC Apartment in Spring

Many people in New York City think gardening is out of their reach. Most people donโ€™t have balconies or backyards, and itโ€™s illegal to have a garden on a fire escape. However, there are plenty of ways to create a small indoor garden. Starting one now means that some plants will look beautiful by spring. It all depends on the type of plant, light quality, and level of care. Starting an indoor garden is easier than many people think.ย 

Choosing the Perfect Plants For a Home

Starting an indoor garden can be as easy or difficult as one wants it to be, so the following factors should be considered when choosing plants:

  • Size of the Home: Some homes are smaller than others, so choosing plants that will fit comfortably in the space is good. For example, most studio apartments would probably do well with plants like succulents and small cacti rather than trees.
  • Natural Light: Some homes get more natural light than others, which means some plants will be able to grow bigger. For those who live in homes with less natural light, plants like snake plants, peace lilies, or dragon trees are perfect and stylish.
  • Lifestyle: Some people work from home and some people travel all the time, but both can grow plants in their homes. Thereโ€™s a huge difference between plants that need to be watered every day, like a Cyperus, and plants that only need to be watered every week or two, like a spider plant.
  • Pets: Some plants are extremely poisonous to animals. Such plants include aloe, English ivy, lilies, sago palm, and jade, amongst others. For those unsure if a desired plant will hurt their pet, consult the ASPCA.

Once these questions have been factored into the garden equation, choosing which plants to grow indoors will be much easier. However, choosing a plant isnโ€™t the end of the process.

Prepping for a Plant

Once a plant has been chosen, some folks will want to run out, buy it, and throw it in some dirt. However, there are some considerations that need to be taken here too. For example:

  • Choosing good soil: Different plants require different soils with different levels of nutrients. Depending on where the plant is purchased, the seller can make a good soil recommendation and even pot the plant as a service. However, for those who are potting their own plants, or growing them from seeds, choosing the right nutrient-rich soil is imperative. For plants that live on a window sill, a fast-draining lightweight soil is recommended. Otherwise, soil with mulch, peat moss, and some compost will do the trick. Some people even choose to make soil themselves. It’s best to Google care instructions ahead of time so you are aware of the best type of soil to use for your plant.
  • Choosing a Good Planter: Itโ€™s recommended that plants and soil live in a stoneware or ceramic planter, though there are many other options that would work great as well. Many people say plastic pots arenโ€™t good for plants, but that claim is up for debate. No matter which pot a person chooses, there needs to be a place for excess water to drain so the plant doesnโ€™t die. Most pots come with a saucer, but any basin that can fit at the bottom of a planter will do.

These steps are a pivotal part of gardening, and will ensure plants have a better chance of survival.

Maintaining Plants

As mentioned earlier, all plants will need some maintenance. Depending on the plant, this can involve daily, weekly, or monthly work. However, some maintenance is unavoidable, and includes activities like:


Some plants need daily watering, and some can go weeks without a drop. It depends on the plant and the placement of said plant. There are easy ways to tell if a plant needs water. The leaves are a quick indicator of if the plant needs water, but the soil is also a good marker. Poke a finger into the soil to see if the top layer is dry or not If the soil is dry, give the plant a little drink. The most effective way to water plants is through bottom watering, where you fill a large bowl or tray with water, then put the plant in. The plant slurps up water from the roots, and stops drinking when it’s done. This helps prevent root rot.ย 

Moving the Plant

It’s crucial to place plants in a well-lit area that is away from the cold. Different plants and types of plants need varying levels of sunlight. However, you can expect to need to move your plants as the seasons change to help them get optimal light.ย 

Replacing Soil/Repotting Plants

Eventually, a plant will consume all the nutrients soil can provide. No matter the plant, itโ€™s good to replace soil on an annual basis, though some soils can last up to 18 months. Essentially, itโ€™s time to switch soil, or completely repot a plant if roots are coming out of the top of the pot or the draining hole at the bottom. If a plant is too top heavy, or has limp leaves, it is another sign that a plant might need a bigger home.


Some plants, flowers, and herbs especially, can grow a little wild. For this reason, itโ€™s good to prune regularly. Pruning a plant will also help it grow back stronger, and encourage proper nutrient consumption. Pruning too much, however, can kill a plant, so it pays to be cautious.

Starting an indoor garden is a great way to bring greenery to your apartment year-round. Even in the dead of winter, a home can be brighter with the right foliage. Having a plant isnโ€™t always easy. Itโ€™s good to remember that plants are, in fact, living things. While they might not require the maintenance or attention of a pet, they will still need some focus to thrive. Indoor gardening can enhance air quality, provide new decor, and turn into a hobby.ย 

Editor’s Note: We updated this article to enhance readability.ย 

Faye Chou
Faye Chou
Faye is the Managing Director of the RentHop Operations team. In her 10 years at RentHop, Faye has written numerous articles on a variety of real estate topics. If you're interested in learning more about the current state of the rental housing market or want Faye's best tips for your apartment search then check out more of her articles.

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