We’ve all heard the news about concessions being offered by landlords, but what are they? Renters can seize the following New York apartment rental deals to save on rent.
Apartment Rental Deals for New York Renters
Most rental deals have been in the form of “months free” at the end of the lease or “OP – the owner pays the broker 1 month of rent (which sometimes eats into months free)”. When the landlord offers the OP to the agent, this means the agent does not need to charge a broker fee. Renters can specifically search for no fee apartment listings on RentHop to save on the upfront cost of moving.
Months Free
Sometimes, landlords also offer at least one month free on a lease. This can decrease the net effective rent and help renters save money by not paying rent in a certain month. Overall, this decreases their rent expenditure for a certain year.
Free Amenities
However, more recently, we’ve seen other incentives being offered, ranging from free gym access to gift cards. We’ve tried to compile a list of Manhattan apartment rental deals for luxury high-rises. Definitely check out the FAQ section about how some of the concessions work and how they can impact your bottom line.