Moving in With a Significant Other


Moving in with your significant other is a big step in any relationship. Just because you’ve been dating for a few months, and you find each other attractive, doesn’t mean you should rashly make a decision to move in together. Yes, we get it. You save money on rent, and it’s not like you guys don’t see each other every day anyway. But have you thought about what it would be like to live with your endearing significant other, and all of their flaws (because there will be flaws), 24/7?

Moving in with a significant other is a big step, and you need to make sure you and your partner are prepared for it. Believe us. It’s not going to be as simple as it was moving in with your high school best friend. Taking a big step like this could elevate your relationship to the next level, or it could be the beginning of the end. So how to avoid a crash and burn? Here are a couple of pointers. 

Figure Out Finances

As you might already know, money issues and disagreements about finances is one of the leading causes of relationships ending, along with not waiting for your significant other to eat dinner. That is why it is imperative to figure out the financial aspects of the move before ever moving in with each other. This includes everything from knowing what portion of bills and rent each person is covering, what your idea is on how much money to spend on entertainment, and so on. The choices you make on these topics will vary from relationship to relationship. Some might be ok with splitting 50/50, but others may do it based on a percentage.

Discuss Social Preferences

While you are now moved in with each other and have taken your relationship to the next level, you and your partner are still individuals. As a result, you will each still have your own lives, friends, and interests. Because of this, you will have to come to an agreement with your significant other about when it is okay to have friends over, and when it is not. If you don’t have some agreement in place, arguments could quickly surface. Naturally, one might want to bring a friend home one day impulsively. We’re not saying that’s not ok. However, bringing home a party when your partner took an early night due to that presentation tomorrow, might not be the best of ideas.

Prioritize Alone Time

Remember, just because you live with each other now doesn’t mean that you need to spend every waking moment with them. In fact, if you do, there is a good chance it will put a strain on the relationship. Even if you love each other to the moon and back, everyone needs some alone time. A simple way to make sure that you each can have your own space and individualism in the apartment is to ensure each person have their own room or section of the place that is “theirs.” This will make sure there is always somewhere each of you can go to enjoy some alone time or go calm down after an argument. Obviously, if your first apartment together is a tiny studio in New York that might not be an option…

Get on the Same Page

If you are not on the same page as a couple when you move in, the move (and the relationship) is not likely to last very long. This is very broad and could mean a lot of things for a lot of different people and couples. What we’re saying is, you need to come to an agreement to what kind of furniture you’ll be getting, who is going to clean when and wear, and that both parties are responsible for doing the dishes. People rarely start dating someone who is exactly like them so that compromise will be essential. 

Consider Each Other’s Space and Items

You might not want to treat your partner’s things like you do your own unless you treat them with the utmost respect. Your significant other might value some things highly, so respect their things and space. Simply being considerate of the belongings of your significant other is a great way to show that you care about them.

Communicate Often

Because you will be seeing your partner way more after moving in with them, occasionally, arguments and disagreements are bound to happen. However, it is better to have these few small arguments or conversations instead of letting things bottle up for months and months. If your significant other is doing something you don’t like or wouldn’t mind them changing, talk to them about it. If you regularly leave your concerns to be bottled up inside, they will eventually cause you to blow up, which is never good. Don’t tend to your small arguments like little pets.

Are you and your partner moving into a really tiny, tiny studio apartment but you love each other so much that you’ve decided to give it a go? Check out 10 Tips for Making a Tiny Apartment Feel Spacious.

Editor’s Note: We updated this article to enhance readability. 

Faye Chou
Faye Chou
Faye is the Managing Director of the RentHop Operations team. In her 10 years at RentHop, Faye has written numerous articles on a variety of real estate topics. If you're interested in learning more about the current state of the rental housing market or want Faye's best tips for your apartment search then check out more of her articles.

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