We’re committed to making RentHop the simplest place for everyday landlords to advertise and post apartment listings. We are pleased to deploy our latest feature, the user profile page! This area includes some administrative features, such as modifying email and contact information, but the truly exciting features benefit all types of RentHop visitors.
Favorite Listings
If you are a registered renter, you now have the option to save interesting apartments to your favorites list when browsing the no-fee apartment selection. At any time, you can click on the My Accounts link on each page to review your favorite listings. You can have RentHop notify you whenever a favorite listing drops in price or if a new apartment similar to a favorite listing becomes available.
Manage Posts
For landlord users, the profile page is a home base for tracking your listings. You can edit all aspects of the listing, post new listings, or deactivate existing listings. This is also a good place to rearrange the order of the photos or add new photos to the listing. The site immediately saves any changes. Note that the five-photo restriction still holds, and to post more than five photos per listing, you will need to request a free property manager account.
Pre-populated Data
For users who repeatedly use RentHop features such as scheduling viewings or posting apartments, registration, and login will remember your contact information and address so that you won’t need to always retype the same data.
To log in to the account page, go to https://www.renthop.com/ and click on the upper right-hand corner.
Editor’s Note: We’ve updated this article to enhance readability.