Indoor Gardening Tips For Those Who Do Not Have A Backyard

Many people enjoy gardening, whether they plant herbs, vegetables, or fruits. It can be a great way to get cheap herbs and veggies, while also allowing you to feel satisfied after growing and caring for something. However, those without a backyard, which probably describes most people who live in New York City, might feel as if their garden experience is limited to Farmville. However, that doesn’t need to be the case. Indoor gardening is also popular. Here are some tips to get your indoor garden off the ground.


1. Invest in a Grow Light

Before you can even get your indoor garden off the ground, you must buy a grow light. While plants love and need light to survive, it is actually a bad idea to put them in direct sunlight on the windowsill. That can often be too hot and it may also require moving the plant a lot to keep it in the sun, which can become annoying. Instead, purchase a grow light. The light should closely mimic the sunlight (a variety of HID and fluorescent lights can work) and can be very efficient to use as you can set a timer for how long they will shine on your plant for (as different plants need different amounts of lights). While outfitting your indoor garden with grow lights used to be expensive, this is not the case and they can be affordably found from many different sources.

2. Position the Plants Correctly

Where you put your indoor garden make or break its success. First and foremost, you should make sure you have enough clear space for the garden to grow. If something impedes the growth, your garden will suffer. Also, you should be in an environment that is suited for growing your plants. For example, good luck growing cacti in the Arctic. Plants also don’t love to be in extreme heat or cold, so you should do your best to keep the temperature moderate when growing indoor plants. If you have an A/C unit and heaters in your home, steer the plants away from these areas. In addition to not liking extreme hot or cold, these plants aren’t a big fan of drafts or blowing air. Anywhere between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit is suitable for most plants, so try and hit that sweet spot if possible.

3. Be Careful with Harvesting

The best part about planting herbs and other plants in an indoor garden is finally being able to eat/enjoy them once they are fully grown. In order to do that, you have to harvest your plants. However, a lot more thought goes into the harvesting than you might think. While the larger leaves might look the tastiest and seem like the obvious choice to remove, this isn’t always true. The big leaves on the plant act like a solar panel and help the rest of the plant grow. If you are constantly taking the biggest and best leaves away, the plant\herb will have trouble growing. Always mix it up in terms of the leaves you take off, and never ever remove them all at once. Also, don’t take too much of the plant off during harvest, as that could hinder the future growth.

4. Consider Soil Types

While many novice growers may think that soil is soil, that couldn’t be further from the truth. There are different types of soil and the type of soil you choose for your various different plants/herbs can determine whether your garden is a successful or falls flat.  Some plants like a coarse soil, some like soil that retains moisture and many others like a wide variety of other kinds of soil. Some soils have fertilizers and others do not, as well and some are just cheaper and a lower quality. Plants are picky, but if you want to reap their rewards, you better keep them happy! Figure out what others have used successfully with your plant of choice, and copy them for similar results.

5. Be Vigilant and Watch for Problems

While growing indoor plants can be a very rewarding and fruitful experience, there are also many different things that can go wrong. These plants are not something you can just water here and there and leave them alone. If you don’t keep watch of your plants each and every day, many problems can arise that could jeopardize their health. Pests, diseases and abiotic problems can all throw a wrench in your plans to have a healthy indoor garden. If you encounter these problems even a little bit, take care of it right then and there to prevent it from spreading or getting worse.

6. Find a Delicate Watering Balance

If you are interested in having your own indoor garden, we are going to hazard a guess that you know plants need to be watered to grow and survive. However, what you might not have known is that it is possible to overwater your plants. If your plants look like they are residing in the Atlantic Ocean every time you water them, you have been watering them too much. If the soil is wet but the leaves are wilting, you have likely been watering them too much. Each plant needs different amounts of water at different times, so research the right amount of water for the plants and herbs you are growing. Also, plants love and need humidity. If you are growing plants in the winter or your home/apartment is dry, misting the plants daily or using a humidifier can mimic the natural humidity that they need.

7. Educate Yourself

While you don’t have to get a degree in Biology, it is a good idea to know the basics. If you know about specific plants, herbs, and veggies (and what they require to grow successfully), there is a good chance you will be able to operate a successful indoor garden. This information is readily available through numerous different sources, guides, and books. If you go in completely blind, you run the risk of ruining your harvest. There are numerous free online materials, books at the library, or other ways to learn about indoor gardening.

Editor’s Note: We updated this article to enhance readability. 

Faye Chou
Faye Chou
Faye is the Managing Director of the RentHop Operations team. In her 10 years at RentHop, Faye has written numerous articles on a variety of real estate topics. If you're interested in learning more about the current state of the rental housing market or want Faye's best tips for your apartment search then check out more of her articles.

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