Are you getting tired of your apartment and its look? Happens to us all. While we’ve worked hard to make our apartments our homes, sometimes its design and interior can become rather boring and old. Therefore, from time to...
While many people aren’t in the lucky position of having a spare bedroom or a ton of extra space in their apartment, some are. This may be less common in a New York City apartment with limited room, but...
No matter where you live or what you pay in rent, there is a good chance you could do with some more space and storage in your apartment. With extra space and square footage coming at a premium these...
Having a large bedroom is something everyone wants. You want a place to relax and enjoy without feeling cramped. However, with rent and home prices being incredibly high in most of the country, a ton of space is often...
For a lot of people, a bathroom is just a place to do your business and leave. However, others see it for its true potential. Your bathroom doesn’t need to be a throwaway room in your house. With a...
With spring officially being sprung and the weather getting nicer, you know what that means; it’s officially time for spring cleaning! While it can feel really good to give your house a much-needed cleaning after a long winter, it...