End Your Apartment Search Today – New York | 4.12.2017

2BR at 338 E 5th StreetWe start this week’s edition by introducing you this no fee 2BR in the East Village, one of the most
prosperous neighborhoods. Featuring laundry in building, this apartment is available for short-term leasing!

1BR at 374 Eastern Pkwy, BrooklynComing up… our favorite of the week – furnished, no fee 1 BR in Crown Heights.
The current tenant is looking to sublet this beautiful apartment through June. Reach out now before it’s too late!

1BR at 102 Pierrepont St, BrooklynTired of buying furniture? We hear you! Check out this furnished, no fee 1 BR in a 3BR apartment.
You’d be sharing this apartment with two mid-twenties professionals who are clean and easygoing!

Shane Lee
Shane Lee
Shane Lee is a Statistical Data Analyst for RentHop.

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