Faye Chou

Top 10 Hiking Trails In New York City

When you think of New York City, your mind likely goes to skyscrapers and busy streets first. However, as it turns out, there are a number of great and scenic hiking trails in the New York City area that...

Some Friday Giggles

Wishing you a happy Friday and a fabulous weekend from your friends at RentHop! 1. When you claim to be a tank and your friends decide to test you one shot at a time 2. When someone tells me that they work in...

Top 7 Beer And Cider Brewery Tours In Boston

Samuel Adams Brewery Tour by Brandon Turner (CC BY 2.0) There is a rich and lengthy history of beer brewing in Boston. The city was one of the earliest places in the USA to brew beer and is currently home to the...

Dating In Chicago? Here Are 7 Ideas For Your Next Date

Chicago Riverwalk by Tracie Hall (CC BY-SA 2.0) One can only go on so many dates in form of drinks, dinner, or a movie before they get stale. Plus, in a vibrant city like Chicago, there are much better options, if you're...

Some Friday Giggles

The good, the bad, and the weird things that happen to New Yorkers. 1. When you hear it's a coworker's birthday and there's cake in the conference room 2. When they mess up your order and forget to make it pumpkin...

5 Underrated Things You Should Check Out In New York City

Photo of Fort Tryon Park by Kristine Paulus (CC BY 2.0) Of all the cities and atmospheres in the world, New York City still remains one of the most interesting ones.  The city is a mecca for a variety of different industries...

Top 5 Places To Get Your Grub On In Chicago

Burger at Au Cheval - Photo by Sam Howzit (CC BY 2.0) Most cities have a signature dish or certain dishes you just need to have while you're in town. Kansas City has their barbecue, Philadelphia has their cheesesteak, and of course,...

7 Tips to Make Boston Feel Like Home for a Newcomer

Photo by Tim Sackton (CC BY-SA 2.0) Boston is a great city to live, study, and work in. It's also a big and bustling city. Just like any big city, Boston can feel like a lonely place for a new resident unsure...

5 Things You Should Know Before You Move to NYC

Photo by  Andrés Nieto Porras (CC BY-SA 2.0) New York City is a city that is full of endless things to do, see, and eat. It is one of the biggest, most diverse and most lively cities in the world. It...

What transportation options do I have to get to an airport?

From Manhattan to the Airport If you're new to New York there's a lot of things to get acquainted with. The different modes of public transportation are one of them. That also applies to the different ways of getting to...

About Me

Faye is the Managing Director of the RentHop Operations team. In her 10 years at RentHop, Faye has written numerous articles on a variety of real estate topics. If you're interested in learning more about the current state of the rental housing market or want Faye's best tips for your apartment search then check out more of her articles.

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Short term lease apartments near me

Finding an apartment to rent in New York City can be a tiring and involved process. The process can...