What is the average rent price in 33015, Country Club, FL?
The average monthly rental price for
33015, Country Club, FL apartments for rent is approximately $2,300. This calculation takes into consideration rental listings of varying bedroom/bathroom sizes, building types, and locations.
Do 33015, Country Club, FL rent prices drop in winter?
Yes! On average we see a 3.4% drop in rental prices between the peak summer months and the slower winter months. With the added bonus of decreased competition from other renters looking to move, winter is generally considered the best time of the year to find an apartment for rent in 33015, Country Club, FL.
How much is a studio apartment in 33015, Country Club, FL?
The average monthly rental price for studio apartments is $0
and an average price per square feet of $0.00.
There are a total of 1 studio apartment listings currently available for rent in 33015.
How much is a one bedroom apartment in 33015, Country Club, FL?
The average monthly rental price for one bedroom apartments is $1,850
and an average price per square feet of $2.38.
There are a total of 37 one bedroom apartment listings currently available for rent in 33015.
How much is a two bedroom apartment in 33015, Country Club, FL?
The average monthly rental price for two bedroom apartments is $2,300
and an average price per square feet of $2.36.
There are a total of 51 two bedroom apartment listings currently available for rent in 33015.
How have rent prices in 33015, Country Club, FL changed this year?
Rent prices for rentals in 33015, Country Club, FL can fluctuate yearly. Specifically, studio rental prices have changed by -0.30%,
one bedroom rental prices have changed by 0.03%, two bedroom rental prices have changed by -0.01%,
and three bedroom rental prices have changed by -0.09% year-over-year.
What is a reasonable rent price in 33015, Country Club, FL?
A reasonable rent price in 33015, Country Club, FL is around $1,840/month.
You can search for these
reasonably priced rental listings on RentHop.