Kris Pat - Agent Photo
Kris Pat
Agent Profile
Kris has held variety of jobs in the real estate and IT industry for many years which has allowed her to effectively serve and connect with the community.

We have the knowledge of the area and the ever changing real estate market which allows us to keep our clients on the top of the real estate curve. We not only attribute our success to hard work and commitment, but also a passion for serving people while truly keeping client's interest at the top.

We bring a lot of IT (Information Technology) experience including regular social media marketing, digital marketing, graphic designs, professional photography, professional videography, personalized property websites, software developments and more, which our sellers and buyers value tremendously when choosing us.

Whether you are considering the sale or purchase of real estate, contact us today to see how we can best assist you!

You can also create your own account on this website and search for any properties for additional, accurate and most updated information.

Specializations: Residential Properties, Commercial Properties, First Time Home Buyers, Buyer's & Seller's Agent, Rental Properties, Property Management, Relocation, Real Estate Development, Social Marketing, Graphic Designs , Website Development, Buy/Sell Properties, Buy/Sell Lots, Photography/Videography, Drone Photography/Videography, Foreclosure & more!

Phone: (703) 745-7450
Time on RentHop: 5 Years 4 Months
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