Adam Simon - Agent Photo
Adam Simon
Highline Residential
Agent Profile
"As a long-time New Yorker I bring passion and excitement for the city to my approach in finding the perfect rental for you. I felt at home in New York the moment I arrived and instantly fell in love with it. You probably fell in love with this place pretty quickly too-if you are like 90% of us and came from somewhere else"

Adam specializes in navigating tenants through this city's fast paced real estate market. Knowing that finding the perfect apartment can be a challenge, Adam focuses his brokerage practice on little to no-fee rentals in a move to keep his clients from paying costly fees.

Prior to being a real estate agent, he has 6 years of experience working in the hospitality industry so he prides himself on putting a smile on clients faces.

" its not easy to please everyone but that is my job and I love it "

Adam has placed clients in all areas of Manhattan and specializes in Upper East Side and West Side where he personally resides.

Please feel free to contact  anytime via text, email, or through Rent hop.

Languages Spoken: English
Time on RentHop: 2 Years 8 Months
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