Location, location, location! Enjoy midtown living in this beautifully renovated loft! Kitchen has stainless steel appliances, stone counter tops, breakfast bar, wifi controlled range, and view to family room and beyond! Updated bathroom has large shower and custom built in shelving and racks for an organized closet! Unit comes with washer and dryer and room divider. Exposed duct work and concrete floor complete the loft feel! Complex has all the best features; pool, fitness center, lounge area, 24/7 concierge, dog park, and gas grills. Walking distance to restaurants, Piedmont Park, The Fox Theater, MARTA, the Beltline, and other mid town attractions. No pets.
The median is solely based on the area and the number of bedrooms.
Listing-specific characteristics such as the number of bathrooms and the amenities will also impact the price.
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The apartment is a unit offered at a monthly price of $1,800. The building also boasts a fitness center to help residents stay in great shape. The person posting the listing did not specify that any pets were allowed. It may be the case that pets are ok and the manager simply has not yet filled out all the details. The kitchen conveniently includes a dishwasher.
Unfortunately, RentHop does not have any photos for this apartment.