You will just love this 2 bedrooms, 2 baths apartment, boasting AMAZING waterfront views, open living and dining area, kitchen w/ custom cabinets, granite counter tops, and stainless steel appliances. Your bedrooms are spacious and gracious, and the all tile baths w/ glass showers, are fantastic. One Water is also known for it's fantastic AMENITIES : Roof Top, deck and lounge, more lounges and awesome gym! This elevator 24/7 front desk building, located in OLD CITY, at the base of the BEN FRANKLIN bridge, is a definite must see, for the Philadelphia renter, looking for LIFESTYLE,LUXURY and having it all, right on THE WATERFRONT. Parking is also available, for an additional fee. FOR A LIMITED TIME: TWO MONTHS OF FREE RENT ON A 15 MONTH LEASE!!
The median is solely based on the area and the number of bedrooms.
Listing-specific characteristics such as the number of bathrooms and the amenities will also impact the price.
Features and amenities are properly noted
Pet policy for building properly noted
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The manager has not yet mailed us a photo copy of his or her government identification and proof or property ownership.
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Listing does not have photos
The apartment is a unit offered at a monthly price of $2,840. Both cats and dogs are allowed, but as always, double check with the manager about any specific pet concerns you may have.
Unfortunately, RentHop does not have any photos for this apartment.