Highest Corner Wrap around Available in the Best Line "00" at Residences by Armani Casa. Residence #4600 is fully designer finished, features 4 bed/ 5 1/2 baths, oversized wrap around terrace, + nanny room. This layout is the best layout on the beach, Enjoy breathtaking views from South beach to Ft. Lauderdale ,Endless Ocean & Intracoastal from all areas. This Gem is fully Turnkey only "Toothbrush needed* It is spacious modern & elegant w/ 10 Ft ceilings & Expansive deep balconies boasting summer kitchen create a seamless expansion of living space into the fresh Ocean Air, Chic European kitchen. Smart home w/ digital techknowlogy. Master Suite includes midnight bar. Residents will enjoy beach service, full service spa, private restaurant, game room, cigar/wine room, & child's play room.
The median is solely based on the area and the number of bedrooms.
Listing-specific characteristics such as the number of bathrooms and the amenities will also impact the price.
Listing location is an exact address
Listing is exclusive and showing full address
Features and amenities are properly noted
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Manager has many listings with high listing quality!
The manager has not yet mailed us a photo copy of his or her government identification and proof or property ownership.
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The apartment is a unit offered at a monthly price of $38,500. The person posting the listing did not specify that any pets were allowed. It may be the case that pets are ok and the manager simply has not yet filled out all the details. The kitchen conveniently includes a dishwasher.
We have 19 photos of this particular unit, building, and surrounding areas.