Welcome Home to this beautiful 2 bedroom/1 full bath, 2 level rowhouse, in a FABULOUS location in the Shaw neighborhood. The kitchen is perfect with all stainless steel appliances, granite counter, gas cooking, large fridge, etc. The door to the enclosed backyard is off the kitchen and if you want to grill or garden you are steps to enjoying this yard. The main living room has plenty of space for your reading or watching pleasure! This home has a stacked washer/dryer on the upper level, a lovely renovated full bath upstairs is large enough for this 2 bedroom home. The bedrooms have great storage. A great home in a great location! Parking is on street and you are minutes from local transportation to take you anywhere you want to go! I have NEVER had problems parking when visiting this rowhouse!! Great restaurants and shopping are minutes away! Howard University is minutes away! Home is vacant and ready for occupancy. Below grade level is rented separately. Prospective tenants should have credit above 650, have references for employment and past housing, etc. Two applications are necessary. Online through RentSpree and the GCAAR DC Rental Application attached. Please call Listing Agent with questions.
The median is solely based on the area and the number of bedrooms.
Listing-specific characteristics such as the number of bathrooms and the amenities will also impact the price.
Features and amenities are properly noted
Pet policy for building properly noted
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The apartment is a unit offered at a monthly price of $3,100. Both cats and dogs are allowed, but as always, double check with the manager about any specific pet concerns you may have.
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