Aventura  »  33160  »  Admirals Port

18151 Northeast 31st Court, North Miami Beach, FL 33160

Admirals Port, Aventura, Miami
Building in Admirals Port
18151 Ne 31st Ct - Photo 1
18151 Ne 31st Ct, Apt 1505
Admirals Port, Aventura, Miami
1 Bed
1 Bath
By Engin Yergin
18151 Ne 31st Ct - Photo 1
18151 Ne 31st Ct, Apt 217
Admirals Port, Aventura, Miami
3 Bed
2 Bath
By Esthael Rendon
18151 Ne 31st Ct - Photo 1
18151 Ne 31st Ct, Apt 1904
Admirals Port, Aventura, Miami
2 Bed
2 Bath
By Camila Ali
18151 Ne 31st Ct - Photo 1
18151 Ne 31st Ct, Apt 610
Admirals Port, Aventura, Miami
1 Bed
1 Bath
By Glimoaldo Evangelista
Welcome to 18151 Northeast 31st Court, a building located in Admirals Port, Aventura, Miami in North Miami Beach, FL. As a quick overview, these are the most up-to-date information we've collected about the property.

Here's what we know about the features and amenities in this building. While there is no garage access for residents, you will probably be able to find a local garage to park your car at instead. The local assessor's office has not provided us with information related to the roof cover material and the type of roof the building has.
Census Block Code
Census Group
Census Year
Census - Combined Statistical Area - Area Code
Census - Combined Statistical Area - Area Name
Miami-Fort Lauderdale-Port St. Lucie, FL
Census - County FIPS
Census - Full FIPS
Census - Metropolitan Division - Area Code
Census - Metropolitan Division - Area Name
Miami-Miami Beach-Kendall, FL
Census - Metro Micro Statistical Area - Area Code
Census - Metro Micro Statistical Area - Area Name
Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL
Census - Metro Micro Statistical Area - Area Type
Census - Place FIPS
Census Source
US Census Bureau
Census State FIPS
Census Tract Code
School District - Unified - Grade High
School District - Unified - Grade Low
School District - Unified - LEA Code
School District - Unified - Name
Dade County School District
More About The Building
Fun fact, were you aware that buildings can shift depending on temperatures outdoors? This might remind you of middle school science classes, but heat will cause most materials to expand while the cold will cause them to contract. As a result, many architects and engineers often have to make sure that control joints are made up of the right materials and in good condition. The building class code for 18151 Northeast 31st Court is unknown but given the importance of this information, we will work to update this data as soon as possible.

Interested in learning more about the neighborhood that the property is located in? Buildings in the Admirals Port area have a median price of $2,713. Those in the 25th percentile, have a price around $2,150. While those in the 75th percentile, have a price around $2,968. Typically, the buildings in this area have a median sqft of 1,210. That means that the median price per sqft is around $2. In other words, the price per sqft for buildings in the 25th percentile is $2. While the price per sqft for buildings in the 75th percentile is $2. As a breakdown, we've included the following stats:

  • There are currently no studio listings being advertised in the area.
  • There are currently a total of 5 one bedroom listings. The median price for these types of listings is $2,000. That's $2.18 price per sqft.

  • There are currently a total of 7 two bedroom listings. The median price for these types of listings is $2,700. That's $2.12 price per sqft.

  • There are currently a total of 6 three bedroom listings. The median price for these types of listings is $3,045. That's $2.26 price per sqft.

  • There are currently no four bedroom listings being advertised in the area.
About The Area
18151 Northeast 31st Court is located in 33160. There are 39,759 people living here. There are 19,140 households. Most of these households have an average family size of 2.91 people. According to the census, 43% are currently renting while 57% own their homes. The median age of this population is around 48.3 years old. On average, most folks in the zipcode are unmarried. About 67% of folks speak a language other than English in this area. The area's employment rate is currently around 56.1%. Speaking of employment, the median income is $48,455. Most folks will commute by car for around 31.4 minutes. Finally, we know that 17% of residents in the area have graduated with their high school degree. Additionally, 24% and 21% have their Bachelor's and Master's degree, respectfully.

Moving on to the county level. Miami-Dade County, Florida has a population of 2,664,418 people. Based on census records, there are 853,624 registered households. Families in this area are on average made up of 3.75 people per household. Most folks are unmarried. They are also typically around 39.3 years old. Does diversity matter to you? Right now, 73% of folks speak a language other than English here. About 47% rent while 53% purchased their homes. Right now, the community is made up of 28% of residents who have graduated with at least a high school degree. On top of that, 17% have a Bachelor's degree and 10% have a Master's degree. The employment rate is currently around 56.7%. Those employed, have a median income of $44,224. If you move here, you can expect to commute mostly by car for around 30.6 minutes.

Finally, let's take a look at the stats related to Miami, FL Urban Area. The urban area is home to 5,859,349 people. A total of 2,045,951 households are registered here. With average family sizes being listed at 3.52 people. About 27% of residents have graduated with a high school degree. Of the rest, 19% have their Bachelor's and 11% have their Master's degree. Folks speaking a language other than English, make up about 53% of the population. Looking to move to this urban area? You'll need to look forward to commuting by car for around 28.5 minutes. Speaking of your commute, 57.5% of people in this area are employed. The recorded median income is currently at $50,097 per year. The median population age has been listed at 40.6 years old. Interestingly enough, unmarried people make up the majority of the population. Last but not least, renters make up about 40% of the population while homeowners are at about 60% of the population.
Studio Median Rent
1BR Median Rent
2BR Median Rent
3BR Median Rent
NE 35 AV@NE 171 ST (0.43 mi - 10 min walk)
Miami-Dade Transit
NE 35 AV & NE 170 ST (0.49 mi - 12 min walk)
Miami-Dade Transit
BISCAYNE BB & NE 186 ST (0.52 mi - 12 min walk)
Miami-Dade Transit
BISCAYNE BD & NE 182 ST (0.53 mi - 13 min walk)
Miami-Dade Transit
BISCAYNE BD & NE 183 ST (0.53 mi - 13 min walk)
Miami-Dade Transit

Nearby Schools

(within attendance boundary)
21101 Ne 26th Ave, Miami, FL 33180
Public  •  Elementary  •  Grades PK to 8
Dade County School District
2375 Ne 203rd St, Miami, FL 33180
Public  •  Middle School  •  Grades 6 to 8
Dade County School District
1410 Ne 215th St, Miami, FL 33179
Public  •  High School  •  Grades 9 to 12
Dade County School District
School zoning information and other data are provided by RealtyHop Schools and 3rd party sources. The contents of the database are not guaranteed to be accurate or timely. Contact the schools or districts before making any decisions using on this data.
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